868 Angles
The angles of 868's interior mirror the angles of its exterior embracing Clifford Mays Classic Ranch Style Home and Frank Lloyd Wright's Prairie School Style.
Angles show the quality of craftsmanship in the custom shelving, moldings and picture framing of 868's Dining Area. The beginning of the kitchen entrance arch is also seen contributing to the flow of lines that heighten the experience of this space.
More Angles show the quality of craftsmanship in the Southeast corner of 868's Living Room. The 45 degree angles are not only precision in this custom molding work but they also line up with the framing around the window to produce a sensory depth perception that is wholly realistic.
Following the line of the roof, eaves and house southeast corner the Nile Bond designed sandstone treatment is also directly in line. The Nile Bond Design has a repeating pattern of vertical and horizontal threes--three of similar sized stones placed together with three large, medium and small stone groupings of three placed alongside each other.
Angles show the quality of craftsmanship in the crown molding cut in a 45 degree angle on the East wall of 868's Living Room. Also shown is an original artwork by Michael Milewski part of his "How Many Worlds?" series
The angles on the inside of the house mirror the wonderful angles on the exterior. he deep eaves are part of the Frank Lloyd Wright design aesthetic and the point of the roofline and eaves is directly lined up with the corner of 868 which has Wright patented awning windows on both sides.